Legal information about Roundtable SPVs
Is this a public offering?
What types of SPVs does Roundtable create?
What is a BSA-AIR?
What is a SAFE?
What is a convertible note?
Investing through a French Civil Company: how is my liability exposed?
What are the powers of Roundtable in its capacity of manager of the SPV?
Is my investment in the SPV eligible to the Madelin tax break?
What is an SPV?
Can non-accredited or non-professional investors invest via a Roundtable SPV?
Is Roundtable regulated?
What happens if Roundtable becomes insolvent ?
Does Roundtable provide tax advice?
How do I exercice my rights as shareholder in an SPV?
Can I invest in a target company in the US?
Can I close my SPV if I only have the Term Sheet ready ?
What are the main differences between a SAS and a SC in France ?
What operations inside the SPV have to be approved by the target ?
Can Roundtable help founders find investors ?
What are preferential shares and why does Roundtable use them in certain deals?
Can an SPV invest in a BSA/SAFE?
The SPV's fees are paid by investors pro rata for 7 years. What happens after those 7 years if the SPV is still up and running?
How Does VAT Apply to SPVs in France/Luxembourg?
With whom can I share my deal opportunity?