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I didn't receive my login code: what should I do?
I didn't receive my login code: what should I do?

How to sign-in and where to find your verification code 📨

Julien Antoine avatar
Written by Julien Antoine
Updated today

When you log into our platform, a temporary code is sent to you by email. This verification code enables you to sign in for the next 10 minutes. If it gets expired, you can renew your login request.

If you can't find this email in your inbox:

  1. verify the email address you logged in with, there might be a typo!

  2. check your spam folder, it might be there 👀
    ➡️ if so, adding [email protected] to your contacts should solve it for the next times!

Specific instructions for Microsoft 365 / Outlook users:

Our support team is available through the chat if you need any further assistance!

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